
Every foreign University/College has their number of intakes during a year. Some may have just one intake some may have two intakes while others may have three or an ongoing intake during the academic year. Majority Institutions in a particular country follow the same intake. Hence, you should initiate steps for admission process at least one year in advance for the respective intake. In some cases, you could begin these steps 3-4 months in advance as well.

Every University / College has its own set of eligibility criteria. Most common of them are the academic requirements, English language requirements and Aptitude test requirements, relevant work experience etc. With the help of our expert counseling we can help you identify specific requirements for the relevant programs and University / College as per your profile.

If a student does not qualify with the minimum requirements of a particular course then the student can undergo a foundation program. In case of post graduate students, if they do not have a relevant bachelors degree, they may be admitted to a Post Graduate Certificate program which can then make them eligible for a Post Graduate Diploma program followed by a Master's Degree.

Foundation programs are usually 1 year programs offered to students who fall short to meet the eligibility criteria of main program & this program ideally bridges the gap to make such students eligible to carry on to main program.

Sandwich programs are ideally a combination programs where a student goes through such course where his / her program starts with classroom studies followed by industrial training in between for certain duration, ideally a year, then again followed by classroom studies. So the student gets an ideal mix of classroom along with its practical application.

Ideally, institutes have requirements of English Language Test score & Aptitude Test Score requirement

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